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    Google Reviews

    11 reviews
    • Skylar Madron
      Skylar Madron
      10 months ago

      My boyfriend was a client here for what was supposed to be 6 months, they not only pushed him out at least a month early, but he's been calling for a week now trying to get a form from the doctor there so he can continue the meds he was prescribed and Stephanie won't call him back, he's left multiple messages, he's texted her, he's had other employees reach out to her, she hasn't even had the doctor herself reach out because there is no direct line to reach the doctor. How can they call themselves a treatment center if they just send people out without the help they ask for. Or complete them early because they don't want to deal with them anymore. This place is trash I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy. If zero stars was a thing, that's what I'd give this place.

    • Connor Murphy
      Connor Murphy
      2 years ago

      All of the positive reviews on here are from employees and their friends pretending to be patients. Ray works in the office, and jon is his friend. At least one of the girls that left a five-star review works there as well. They do this because it's a sketchy place and they have nothing but bad reviews. Complete waste of time. Made an appointment as a new patient to help get treatment for my ADHD. Met with the nurse practitioner and explained I have a history with addiction so I wanted something non-stimulant specifically requested strattera she said there was no problem, she would put in the prescription for me after talking with her for about an hour going over my diagnosis and my symptoms and everything. Got a call a couple days later saying because I have a history with addiction she was refusing to prescribe me anything. I tried explaining to the office staff what was going on and got literally no help. Then I found out all my future appointments have been canceled with no heads up and I was more or less asked to never come back. Crazy

    • Kilah Guns
      Kilah Guns
      2 years ago

      Project Chesapeake is a great IOP/OP treatment option. Not only does the staff genuinely care about you, they offer multiple services under one roof. I opted into this program for longer than required (crazy right?) and will continue to utilize their services regardless of my OP completion. I will refer my loved ones, friends, and/or acquaintances to Project Chesapeake if need be. Thank you for everything you guys do and keep up the good work! :)

    • Mariza Gonzalez
      Mariza Gonzalez
      3 years ago

      Can’t give 0 stars or I would. This place is an insurance scam and the “treatment” quality is so beyond low I don’t even know how they’re JCAHO certified. First of all their IOP and OP is a video call with all the patients and one “therapist” Nobody has their camera on and more than half the patients don’t even talk the whole group. You could literally sign in, keep your camera off, and do whatever during group. Which okay, you get out of treatment what you put into it. My boyfriend was doing their IOP, attending every “session” and reporting for urine test 2 times a week. That’s the gist of the program. No one on one therapy, you aren’t even assigned a therapist. You just sit in group online with other patients and pass the time. There is no actual therapeutic value, substance use disorder education, treatment plan, or goal. As long as you’re logged in and they can bill insurance they don’t care about anything else. My boyfriend is in the drug court program through the state of Maryland which requires an IOP so that’s how he ended up going into this facility. Like I had stated, he was doing everything he was required to do. He failed a test at drug court one day after being passing the previous day and then passed his next test. Drug court ask Project Chesapeake to refer him to a higher level of care. Ray who runs project Chesapeake said he was clean at the point and didn’t meet criteria for inpatient and it would be insurance fraud to put him on a higher level of care than he medically needed. Drug court then threatened to stop referring people to him, which meant he would loose the insurance kickbacks from whoever would’ve been referred if he did not figure out a way for him to go into treatment. 3 weeks later Ray got him a bed in a Project Chesapeake inpatient. He didn’t mean criteria the day after failing a drug test because he wasn’t using and wasn’t failing test but somehow met criteria 3 weeks later. Those 3 weeks he continued doing his iop meetings, going to AA meetings, doing step work, passing all his drug test, he even set up an appointment for an opioid blocking shot as a safety net. So whatever lies Ray spun the the insurance company to get them to cover inpatient is considered insurance fraud. He didn’t stand up for his patient who was doing everything right for his recovery, he gave him the message that it didn’t matter how well he was doing, project Chesapeake couldn’t afford to loose their main referral source. He had no problem uprooting someone’s life, making him leave his 4 kids with no one else to care for them besides myself, who works and goes to school with full time and and my boyfriends mother who’s sick on an oxygen tank or social services. It doesn’t matter what type of therapeutic progress or steps in recovery you are taking. If the payout is not high enough they make it worth their while.

    • Tara Vannoy
      Tara Vannoy
      3 years ago

      Today I celebrate 1 yr any 1 month sober; I really don't think it would have been possible without the help from everyone at Project Chesapeak. They have always gone above and beyond there obligations to me as there client. Especially Ray, who always took the time to listin, give advice when I needed it, and even arranged for his girlfriend to take me to a meeting. I would recommend Project Chesapeak to anyone that's seeking treatmemt!!