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    Google Reviews

    13 reviews
    • Tamara TT
      Tamara TT
      a year ago

      Please please please avoid dare you to care I was employed here shortly years ago the founders are awful people they stole from the residents abused them and threatened them. Most of the counselors were former addicts and this program took advantage of them underpaying them or not paying them at all. They talk a good one but once your in it is not what they make it to be. When people try to leave dare u to care keep their social, id, ebt cards and even personal pictures of their family and kids Please stay away from this place .

    • Bernardo Garcia
      Bernardo Garcia
      2 years ago

      These program made me open my eyes. Made me change from a bad person to good .positive counselors. Great management good classes..if u really want to change from the inside and out I recommend u to come here and pay attention for what they teach you. Because till these day and more coming I haven't touch nothing and I been solver over 3 years know

    • Herman Allen
      Herman Allen
      4 years ago

      Dare u to Care is a top notch program for anyone who wants to change their life and become a positive role model in their community. Im a graduate of the program.I've been clean for 2 1/2 years. If you are ready to change your mind set, then you are well on your way to this road we call recovery. ( Let Go And Let God ) I hope to see you on down the road.......

    • Willary Scatchard
      Willary Scatchard
      3 years ago

      I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone, unless you have to attend this program, when you approach staff to get help that is crucial they brush you off, but when the staff members make up a problem on their own they think it corresponds to that client making their treatment worse. During Christmas I was banned from having my cell phone or watching any type of television basically confined to my room, what a great Christmas present in rehab. Also they force you to work at their restaurant and do not pay you the price of labor and say its legitimate because its part of your "recovery." The food is lousy and they are constantly bringing in people that need a higher level of care. And they don't monitor their staff members because they say very inappropriate things to clients when everyone's back is turned. I experienced this from a make staff member making me feel very awkward. And once again when I approach staff about this harrassment they just brushed me off.

    • Conrad “That's right” CSJ

      This program works for the people who desperately want to change. It's uncomfortable but worth it. Thank you to everyone at Dare U To Care for loving me and showing me how to love myself. I am a proud graduate!