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    28 reviews
    • Tammy Wright
      Tammy Wright
      10 months ago

      2 of my daughter's were here and got worse!!! went to the Rosedale RTS, and changed their life. This place is a front not a treatment facility. RTS now has cabs for city residents. Get your life back!!!!

    • Jessica Hann
      Jessica Hann
      a year ago

      This place is horrible. They are severely understaffed. So half the time you cannot get ahold of a counselor or a doctor or anything. No support no groups. If you are serious about your recovery you should never go here. No one advocates for anyone around here. The patients have no rights. Grievances that get filed get ignored. They play with your life here. The lady that does check ins during the week is rude. I have had 5 different counselors because they cannot keep people. The Dr that works here could care less about the patients. You cannot get ahold of Dr.Powell ever. She does more harm then good. When you need your meds upped or lowered she is never around to approve it. The whole program is irresponsible, understaffed, I am transferring as soon as is possibly available to do so. The amount of calliousness here is shocking. I was there before the and now with the new Dr this place has been run into the grouND.

    • Ashley McCarthy
      Ashley McCarthy
      3 years ago

      Dr. Powell is the new head after the previous one retired and she's absolutely horrible!!! She took an oath to protect and care for her clients and she could absolutely care less. Glenwood Life used to be a safe haven. A place that cared about the patient and was a family atmosphere and now I wouldn't recommend that anyone goes there as long as Powell is in charge of writing the scripts! I feel sorry for the director because she's always been a fair woman and always stood up for what's RIGHT BUT with someone like Dr.Powell working there I just can NOT give a 5 star recommendation! They have a young lady who is in charge of the client advocacy team who is amazing she will also fight for the rights of the patients but she's only one person who can only do but so much. I feel bad for the few counselors that actually CARE about PROTECTING clients. It makes me so sad to leave a review like this because this was a great place to go for someone who wanted to change. I suppose nothing in life stays the same especially under "new leadership". If you're considering treatment find a place that will help you reach your goals and never forget that YOU are in charge of your recovery and don't allow anyone to hold you back from your own success!

    • Anna Notherone
      Anna Notherone
      a year ago

      Where to start? 90% of the staff is EXTREMELY unprofessional. The gentleman who checks you in, the security officer who is a retired cop, the male dispensing nurse and a few of the admin staff are the only ones who seem to take their jobs seriously and are polite and helpful. Then you have the rest of the “crew” that do as little as possible. From the distribution of free “testers” of crack on the front steps to medical “professionals” chanting voodoo “curses” and the lackadaisical response of on call dose verification, it feels more like a ghetto version of the Mickey Mouse Club than a medical facility.Alas, we dare not complain in fear of retaliation. I encourage anyone contemplating MAT to visit and see for themselves and compare it to a few other facilities. It’s akin to a life raft in the middle of the jungle. Jump through the hoops, devise a plan of least resistance and hold on for dear life!

    • Carolyn Bourne
      Carolyn Bourne
      8 years ago

      Wonderful caring Doctor, the best. Staff members are uncaring for some who are independent thinkers, even being clean is for 15 years, and having several life changing events, no compassion, no counseling to help. Would not recommend this Clinic to my worst enemy. Also staff member that handles fees treats clients like you are beneath her. If you have insurance and just want to drink 240 milligrams and be dirty every week this is the place for you