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    3 reviews
    • Angel casely-hayford

      EMRC is a great place to work. The compensation is great and the entire staff are loving and helpful. The team work between employees are highly commendable. The organization is truly dedicated to helping its clients become better people to their families and the community at large.

    • Valencia McIntosh
      Valencia McIntosh
      3 years ago

      In my entire life thus far I have not had worse services rendered anywhere than I have from here. I started with Empowering Minds in August 2020. I used their counseling services and Psychiatric Medication services. My counselor Ms.Hubbard was the only reassuring, reliable and consistent help I received there, my psychiatric medications doctor is ok, but I am not 100% confident with the evaluation or diagnosis I was given, and consequently I am doubtful of medication regimen. I was assigned a Health Services Coordinator last year either late August or September. The first coordinator barely got through our intake introductory questionnaire before he went completely awol. A month went by and besides a text message giving me an excuse about his absence , I heard nothing more from him. I got a call from the Director of the Health Services Coordinators and after discovering I wasn’t getting adequate (or any) assistance, she resolved to remedy the matter by assigning me another coordinator. In about a months time I finally got another coordinator. We went through the same introductory questions, and it seemed like something was going to start happening. I spoke to this woman maybe 2-3 times tops. I told her about some pressing issues I was dealing with and she said we would devise some sort of action plan (if I remember correctly, its been so long and so little, I’ve forgotten) and she would tell me when we would next talk. These “appointments” were never ever on time. Even when the director said she would get back to me, she was either two weeks off from the time she said she would call me, and as far as our last conversation in freaking January, she has not reached out to me at all. Similarly to my experience with my new coordinator. Outside of those 2-3 phone conversations, were nothing was actually done, I have received only 1 call in either late January or early February. I was not in a good place at the time, and ended the conversation rather abruptly because of my frustrations. I texted her back within minutes to excuse my curt phone manner, but have not had any interactions with her since. Outside of my bi-weekly appointments with Ms. Hubbard and my monthly appointments with my medications doctor, I have received no other help from any of the services I was promised to receive. Mind you, I started LAST YEAR, and outside of the apologies and excuses I received in December and January, nothing.

    • Darnette Nicholson
      Darnette Nicholson
      9 months ago

      @weareemrc excellent counseling services I recommend you to join and get excellent it here