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Bayshore HealthCare is a leading provider of home and community health care services. We aim to improve the quality of life, dignity and independence of all Canadians.




    Google Reviews

    20 reviews
    • Kallum Tyleek
      Kallum Tyleek
      6 months ago

      For some reason their employees can't figure out how to call to set their visit times even though it's company policy to do it the night before. They often ignore apartment building ring systems and just knock on your door suddenly. Which is just great when they've also neglected to call you the night before. Their managers are constantly making excuses for their employees and have yet to even once, solve an issue in these regards. Reading the other reviews and frankly the threat of assault with a bodily fluid makes me want to call in an auditor for their entire system. Poor quality. If you can go somewhere else, do go somewhere else.

    • Lee Radford
      Lee Radford
      7 months ago

      Terrible experience with these psw’s, they park illegally on my street, blocking fire hydrants and driveways. When confronted they get ugly and confrontational even violent. Had to have police attend after their employee was trying to bully threaten and intimidate me. Spoke with a very apologetic manager, who was concerned about their workers malicious and dangerous behavior. This psw gal had the nerve to tell me if I ever needed her care she would spit on me. Lol, not ever gonna happen….I can afford better care if and when I ever need it.

    • B C
      B C
      4 months ago

      What a incompetent bunch Idiots that think they are actually healthcare. I can’t believe our country has become a place full of incompetence. Do you self a favour and order your supplies off Amazon.

    • Tiege F
      Tiege F
      a year ago

      I felt so excited to do this as compassionate care as I am not a psw. They need to be more organized i really feel that’s why a high turn over of employees. No one calls to see how things are going. I wasn’t going to do psw work for minimum pay and the fact that’s not what I wanted to do in first place. When you do call they are so busy no one gets back to you or emails get lost in with other emails. You basically get work sent by app like example Monday 12-2 and a little of what task it could be and you choose to accept or decline. I saw one client and when leaving she explained next visit I would be bathing her. I was not trained or comfortable doing this and therefore I after them making me feel bad about speaking up they said ok to passing and finding someone else for her. Well I was never getting compassionate care or home care , just was always personal care like (bathing, dressing, etc) then hey just stopped sending anything. Would not recommend working here as poorly managed.

    • alan GEORGE
      alan GEORGE
      2 years ago

      Got hired on Feb 16,2022 and they asked me to get TB test done and get Vulnerable sector check record. I submitted the receipts for the same the next day(Feb 17,2022) and signed the offer letter. H.R called me on Feb 17 around 6.15PM to say that, they don't have the position anymore. I said it is ok and I just want a reimbursement for the money( $93.29) that I have paid for the test and the vulnerable sector check record and H.R said it is not in their policy to reimburse somebody if I don't complete certain amount of working hours. Absolutely ridiculous experience with them!