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    132 reviews
    • Michael Washington
      Michael Washington
      3 months ago

      I had a nice visit with my sister. I hadn't seen her in several weeks. When I got there she had received for weekly snacks from the crew that goes out and purchases snacks for the residence. I was so glad to see that they gave her the sugar free candy and sugar-free diet soda. I also talked with the nurses station the charge nurse was Mackenzie. She was awesome my sister is having a procedure done and she found out the date that was going to be done for me. It's going to be August 22nd and she's going to keep me informed until then. She has a new roommate they seem to be getting along very well. She looked very good.

    • Sandy God's child
      Sandy God's child
      in the last week

      I was told I had to leave because I had a service dog. The dog was not arround any resistance accept the person I was visiting which he is always arround. He did not and would not even have contact with her. As he is MY service dog and is busy attending to MY needs. It is obvious he is a service dog and obvious I can't visit my mother without him. He is impeccably clean and well behaved. I have brought him with me to every hospital and nursing home in and out of broome county without this problem. They said I needed to have a vet send in a health letter and vaccine record. That is ridiculous and I don't believe it is even legal. It is pregidous against my disability. It would be like telling someone that came in with a wheelchair that they needed a mechanic to okay it for safety to make sure you wouldn't run anyone over with it. Monday I was met by two members of administration that apologized for my being told I couldn't visit my mother with my service animal. I was assured that staff would be explained the difference between a pet and being unable to access your loved one without your service animal. I was given the number of staff personnel to contact if I had any more problems. I brought in what they asked for in order to see my mom, of course. I had a great visit that mad my worries about her stay there so much better. I still feel violated for not being able to see her right away and having to run arround getting paper work to see my mom. But, I'm glad they worked to correct it.

    • Jaden Phillips
      Jaden Phillips
      2 months ago

      Today I had a much needed visit with my mom. I was able to go home with the relief she will be okay. I was able to relax during our visit with the help of the staff being there for every need asked. Along with reassured kindness and patience.

    • Cristina Carlstein-Reyes

      Bridgewater may not be the newest and fanciest, or have the best upscale amenities, but where they lack in that department they make up for in the incredible staff-my husband has been there for over a year, and the staff are all caring, kind, skilled, and truly invested in giving their charges the best care they can…everyone is just wonderful with my husband, and I see them going above and beyond for all the patients, trying to accommodate them in anything they might need or want. Personally, I’ve heard all the horror stories of what goes on in some homes, so for the first year I was vigilant, looking for any sign of neglect or mistreatment…. I found that the exact opposite is true. They give kindness and excellence in care with their whole heart. Now I feel I can relax and take a moment for myself, knowing that he will be safe and well cared for. That is such a relief, and I’m happy that we ended up here!

    • Jo-Anne Renault
      Jo-Anne Renault
      in the last week

      My only concern is that my husband gets all the clothes I left for Laundry to mark if he gets all his clothes from the laundry and marking then it will be a four star facility,the staff were very accommodating and the building appeared clean