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Footprints of Serenity is a team of professional drug & alcohol intervention specialists in Los Angeles. Get your loved ones the help they need today.




    Google Reviews

    3 reviews
    • Lynette Townes
      Lynette Townes
      4 years ago

      I wish that 10 stars was an option! I cannot sing the praises of Evan and Eric loud enough. I never thought I would ever be in this place, but there I stood feeling quite alone and unsure. A very good friend found Evan and Eric and got the ball rolling. We should all hope to have such friends. But with the first phone call, I felt supported, understood, and in capable hands. They were responsive, answered any questions, and put up with me. An intervention was the last ditch effort to get help for my husband. It was so well organized and went more smoothly than I could have hoped for. Due to their guidance through several zoom meetings and texts, I felt well-prepared and had a sense calm in the midst of this chaotic, emotional and scary place I was in. They helped me to express my feelings in a constructive way. I felt empowered, supported, and even uplifted. Their help didn't just end when they drove him to the treatment center. There were follow up calls, texts, meetings or whatever was needed. I truly feel I could have called them at any point of the day or night and they would have been there for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Evan and Eric. I can only hope that you are blessed as deeply and thoroughly as you blessed me, my family, and our friends.

    • SoHyun “Sylvia” Chung

      Evan and Erik are the savior of my family. When I was desperate for a help, they held my hands for the every step of the way. I would give them more stars if I can. They were not only good at what they were doing, but also great at giving the family members hope and courage ter that we can get through the hard time. They were indeed 24/7. I called them late at night, asked them to come to me almost at midnight, but they never complained and always be there for our needs. Evan and Erik. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us!!

    • Kristine O'Flyng
      Kristine O'Flyng
      4 years ago

      Evan Amarni and Eric Moore, of Footprints of Serenity, are two of the most outstanding Drug and Alcohol treatment addiction counselors in the industry. They were the first place I and my family turned to when we were seeking support and guidance in getting my son into a drug detox center and then an in-patient rehabilitation facility. They guided us through the Intervention Process as well as getting him lined up with the quality facilities we needed to enlist in my son’s recovery. This led to my son getting the help he needed and being able to finally begin to face his addiction. Evan and Eric worked with my family and my son throughout the intervention process, and long after the 30-day contract was over. Living out of state, I could count on them to intervene when my son needed support during his treatment in an inpatient rehab facility. They answered my emails, texts and calls even during the evenings and on weekends, as they were able, at no additional cost. As Eric told me months later, we will always be here for you, no matter what. After my son’s in-patient treatment was over and I was seeking after care assistance, Evan and Eric were once again there to support and lead me in the right direction. They are both truly a god send for me and my family and worth the cost, 10 times over. It’s true, there are many drug and rehabilitation services out there that are more interested in their own profit and not as interested in the welfare of your loved one’s lives – but Eric and Evan are not anywhere near that arena of providers. They are top notch and of the highest caliber and quality that you will find. I highly recommend any and all their services! Kristine O’Flyng Wausau, WI