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    787 reviews
    • Eddy Sarkisov
      Eddy Sarkisov
      a month ago

      Arrived to ER at around 9pm and left at 2:30am BUT with a no longer dislocated shoulder. While in ER waiting and after the initial check in I made it very vocal that I’m in 10/10 pain and wish that was offered some or any painkillers. The xray techs were very friendly and so were the nurses. Felt very well taken care off. Once you’re in and past the horrible wait at ER the level of care I received was great

    • Pooja Parmar
      Pooja Parmar
      2 weeks ago

      Simply do not go. Triage says 3hr when I checked in and I told them i have ligament injury. And again sprained same ankle. Still they did only X-ray. After that its been 5 hours and still doctor is not here. Nurse said they are busy. Later the doctor who was sitting in front of me doing her computer work for hours came to me talk to me. Very bad Doctor Christine Louise MD said there is nothing I can do without Ultrasound and its closed here. So booking you a US and follow up with your family physician. What a utter waste of my time and energy. She just looked at my face, i had to tell her to examine my feet rather than looking at my face. She barely touched my feet and wrote there is not much pain seems intact. I was not able to walk. Simply great! Zero compassion and definitely bias as neglected me and gave better examination to other patients besides me. My first racist experience ever. Thank you

    • Autumn Wharton
      Autumn Wharton
      3 months ago

      I got an elective c section 2 weeks ago. The amount of care and support I got from all the nurses at L&D was outstanding!!! Made me feel so calm and taken care of. Even the anesthesiologist was so calming, made the experience of a spinal way better than I thought. I want to thank every single nurse for everything you guys do for us moms, especially the first time moms. I don’t remember all names, But a special thanks to nurse Kat and Jessica. Love Autumn and Lane ❤️

    • Leah Davenport
      Leah Davenport
      4 months ago

      Appsolultly ashamed and disgusted in this place you call a hospital If I could give 0 starts I would! Awful place. The nurses are rude, slow, show no compassion and very neglectful. Making a senior wait 20+ minutes to help them to the bathroom is just disgusting. Making a senior fall because they need to use the bathroom that bad and no one is coming to help also disgusting! And not checking on a patient for hours on end? Guess what also not acceptable in anyway, shape or forum. The cleanliness is AWFUL and I will attach a photo of what I am referring to. NO wonder covid went around the unit!!! Freaking take some time to sanitize things and clean up stations and maybe the spread will be less! I watched a nurse bounce between patients without changing gloves and not sanitizing the vital machine.Again , you wonder why its spreading but then I step into the hall for a second and I am asked to change my yellow Gown ? Ha what a fracking joke!!!!! SANITIZE AND CLEAN YOUR ROOMS!!!!!!!! I am utterly disgusted in the care of my grandmother while she was in this place and a lot of her issues and unnecessary falls in this place could have been easily prevented and handled better than they were handled. The nurses should be ashamed. Dr was very uncompassionate when she was telling us about her only having a few days left to live. I am disgusted and I partly hold this place accountable for the death of my grandmother which now we have to live with for the rest of our lives. Unit 58, Do better for your patients truly. You are nurses. Be compassionate. Do better. Clean up after yourself!!!! Ensure that no one else EVER feels this way. When my grandma passed too, the neighbour of her should have been removed so we could grieve. He eventually was but well after. I know I will NEVER ever ever step foot in this place again. I do not trust the care in here whatsoever and I would never trust this place to care for anyone in my family again including myself. DO BETTER FOR PEOPLE!!!!!! Ps nice urine sample laying on the counter, real classy

    • Kelsey L
      Kelsey L
      a month ago

      I just had day surgery here. I can say without a doubt it was a great experience. Everyone from the volunteers, nurses, anesthesiologists, Dr. Rudmik went above and beyond. I really appreciate my Dr and anesthesiologist (Wes) sorry, can’t remember his last name, stopping by to check on me before I went home. Amazing hospital! I’ve taken family members here in the past as well, and have always seen them have great care as well.