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The Sanctuary Shamanic Healing Center is located on 6 acres of wild forest and boasts over 100 or more fruit trees, edible bushes, medicinal and native plants. We offer a variety of healing events, workshops, retreats, and year long shaman school. Contact us today for more information.




    Google Reviews

    125 reviews
    • The Conscious Vessel

      The Shamanic Reiki Master training was a powerful and necessary compliment to my practice as a healer and coach. I found Angell Deerโ€™s grounded presence helped me to really sink into the material and wisdom he offered. The training itself felt accessible and definitely worthwhile to make all the trips up to his land, as itโ€™s been clearly well cared for and the energy around the space was inviting for deep work.

    • Anahata Resonance
      Anahata Resonance
      a year ago

      Beyond words and eternally grateful! I met Angell many moons ago at Menla for a Sound Healing training in 2017. I kept him on the radar and have participated on virtual Breathwork session. Fast forward to May 2023, where I thought I was supposed to be in Egypt, but was called to go to Peru with Angell and 13 brave souls reuniting instead. I didn't have much expectations, but knew I needed help to go deep into my subconscious and clear stagnant energies holding me back from shining bright. Angell and Daya along with authentic teachers and co-facilitators held such beautiful and safe space for each ceremony. I truly felt nurtured each day and each moment that allowed me to explore vulnerability and feel all of me, as I am. It was super empowering and a great reminder that while most of the work is done alone, being with in community can have a powerful impact to transform within. If you are called to go deep in your journey and do some major energetic surgery, reach out to Angell and see if it aligns for you!

    • Amanda SB
      Amanda SB
      2 weeks ago

      The Sanctuary is a beautiful and sacred space in the Catskills. Angell and Rose are such incredible, grounded teachers and the guest offerings they bring to the land are phenomenal as well. I am preparing to return for another retreat in September and counting down the days.

    • Kimberly Kodatsky
      Kimberly Kodatsky
      a year ago

      In May 2023, I embarked on this long-awaited healing journey with Angel and his incredibly gifted team of medicine men and women in the Sacred Valley of Peru. The itinerary that Angel created was one that allowed a very deep dive into the healing work while feeling the utmost sense of safety and support. The level of healing is not something that can be described but can only be felt and emanated through time and soul. The retreat was very well organized, on stunning land, full of healing experiences and beautiful connection. I am deeply honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to sit with Angel and his medicine family. The healing I have experienced is immense and for this I will be forever grateful. I feel so much love for you brother, the medicine family and the land. I look forward to continuing the journey with you all. Kimberly ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’œ

    • Elizabeth Sanchez
      Elizabeth Sanchez
      a year ago

      In May 2022, I went to the Peru trip with Angell and Miriam. I did not what to expect but any possible expectation was exceeded. The supportive and healing container that Angell and all the amazing shamans create in Peru does not have words to describe it, coupled with the beauty of the Sacred Valley, Cusco, Machu Pichu between others. I still dream about this trip and definitely would love to do it again. There were many highlights to this trip besides the amazing healing including incredible food, beautiful retreat center, and a very safe environment. I would recommend the Peru trip to everyone who is in the spiritual path. Your life will be definitely different after this trip.