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Being over 20 years old, Center For Discovery has eating disorder treatment locations, both residential and intensive outpatients, across the United States.




    Google Reviews

    15 reviews
    • pablo cortez
      pablo cortez
      4 months ago

      A loved one I know just spent almost 9 weeks there recently. The program is not easy as eating disorders affect everyone differently and can be very challenging to address. My loved one wanted to quit multiple times, but with the around the clock support of the staff, techs, dieticians, therapists, and doctors, she was able to stay, improve her overall health, and be discharged as completing the program. We visited every weekend and participated in every weekly support session provided via zoom. Again, the process and experience is not easy. Tough love is sometimes necessary. It was evident the actions taken by the staff was always intended to help my loved one deal with the disorder and regain control once again. We understand the battle is by no means over, but we feel the experience and service provided by the center has better equipped us and my loved one to continue to make progress. We are extremely grateful for all the staff at the center for discovery and would highly recommend the program, but I must reiterate that the process is not easy on the family or the patients. I understand are situations all different. My loved one is extremely grateful she completed the program as are we. Thanks again.

    • Ashton
      3 months ago

      went to this place almost a year ago, NEVER GO. I have now relapsed and want nothing to do with recovery because of the traumatizing experience. They are understaffed, the food is terrible, they over feed you to the point of illness and refuse to change it. Sometimes we wouldn’t eat a meal until an hour after the scheduled time. A lot of the staff were rude and would yell at us and accuse me of doing things against the rules that I was not trying to do. We got so little sleep and were rushed so much in the morning that me and the other patients were sleep deprived to the point we could barely stay awake. I still suffer the consequences of the over feeding on my body that was not ready. They barely allow any visit time and lie to your family about progress. The directors were awful people who clearly did not understand eating disorders. The doctors also refused to listen to anything I had to say regarding concerns for my own health and well being. A little after being discharged, I was diagnosed with PTSD. Please please please, if you need help look for another program. Never go to CFD.

    • Mark Romero
      Mark Romero
      3 months ago

      I was very impressed with the professional staff; clean, therapeutic facility; and the overall programming and planning at the Center. My daughter appreciated it. Upon discharge, she talks favorably of the place and of her learning a lot about herself. I shout thank you 100 times for the appreciated, healthy results.

    • Matthew Cory
      Matthew Cory
      3 months ago

      It’s a punitive based approach where they restrict contact with family and friends. There is no onsite doctor, it is mostly virtual doctor visits. The virtual doctor is an asshat, the junior staff is woefully inadequate. They ask you to adhere to their rules, but then they break them. Communication with staff was minimal and seemed to be a fear based approach to convey that they are your only option. They schedule virtual doctor visits during family visitation and don’t explain much of anything. My daughter said she was “warehoused and forced to eat, but they refused to give her an alternative for whole milk when she is violently lactose intolerant. We removed her and got her into a family based therapy with real professionals, and my daughter is thriving. CFD is an insurance money grab, while doing the bare minimum in my opinion. They always recommend residential placement and keep you there for weeks longer than originally told. After one virtual meeting with the doctor we pulled our daughter. He is very much in love with himself, and very much a nincompoop. The case manager from Dell Children’s Hospital informed us that Center for Discovery has a history of calling CPS (Child Protective Services) on parents that pull their children out early. So CYA, these are not your family’s saviors. Poorly trained and understaffed pack of nitwits, that have no business supervising anyone for anything. The only thing we discovered there, was a sham. Punitive rehabilitation methods are archaic and insufficient for something as serious as an eating disorder. They want you to believe that you can’t do this without help, and that may be true, but that doesn’t mean you need their help. There are options and there are better alternatives to Center for Discovery.

    • Maxx
      4 months ago

      i came to this program twice on my own will motivated to get help. first time in 2021 the staff member named Crystal would yell at me and other patients and many of us had nightmares about her afterwards. The second time was about 6 months ago. I only stayed there for a week because the staff were always complaining about being understaffed. we would have to wait a while to go to our rooms to sleep and theres no leniency in the morning if we got little sleep because of the night before. they also dont regulate the ac so if cold sensitivity is one of your symptoms this place will make you miserable. If youre looking for treatment this is not the right place. I would highly recommend monte nido in houston thats where i went after i left this place i went there and they were a lot more helpful and caring.