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139 reviews
  • Analiese
    3 weeks ago

    This is one the worst treatment facilities I have ever come across and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I recently had a loved one come here and not only was she discharged without her medications, but I delivered a package to her that didn't get delivered until after she left. I've called 6 times over the past 2 weeks and have left 5 messages to try and come retrieve the package with no response. The best thing she could compare it to was a trap house because there were patients selling drugs, using drugs, trading s*x for cigarettes, and patients being overly affectionate everywhere with no consequences.

  • Cathy Gallagher
    Cathy Gallagher
    2 months ago

    I literately just left this place today. I have so much to share. First let me say ANY facility is better than what you are doing out there. Even this complete mess of one. That being said please please look into going somewhere else. The medication system is a joke. I waited on average 5 hours a day for meds. Detox meds and also my regular meds. They do have a few very very good staff members whose hands are tied. I hope and pray they see their worth and get out of there!! I witnessed so many fights… like drop down bad fights along with at least 10 couples… yes couples…rehab romances all in bloom. Kissing, laying on each other etc and YES staff walks right by. They had some people so overmedicated they are literally falling over. Nobody needs 300 mg of methadone. I was detoxing while I was watching people nod out. They had no different of a look on their face than when they are doing dope. So they definitely keep some people high… sorry not sorry. Forget getting your items that loved ones have dropped off. This place literally does not care. My roommate had one pair of underwear and was begging staff to please grab the stuff that was dropped off. She waited 5 days!! .I’m writing this while waiting on transfer to another facility. Because recovery is key. That being said… any place is better than where your addiction has you right now but for the greatest chance and real recovery please consider somewhere else. If you are reading this and suffering please know that you can do this. No one is ever too far gone!! One beautiful day at a time❤️ God Bless

  • my2cents
    2 months ago

    Detox center seems to be on the ball. Can't say the same about the rehab center after detox. rehab center is a mess. fights, thefts, bullying, no oversight. still playing the covid game. no visits permitted due to "covid". Really, in July 2024. Just an excuse to cut services and staff in my opinion.

  • Rose McWilliams
    Rose McWilliams
    2 months ago

    Not a hospital and they blatantly lost patient’s bag. It’s sad to see how awful this country’s system is for people who genuinely need help. Shame on program managers and directors who do nothing to help. Here’s a brilliant idea: setup an actual phone line with a human on the other end. It’s disgusting how you can never get an employee or someone to answer the phone for extremely sensitive and personal matters. Shame shame shame.

  • Troy Taylor
    Troy Taylor
    4 months ago

    Eagleville will help you get back On your feet. Don't let the reviews scare you. The staff really cares and wants you to help you. It is not a hotel resort. It's a place to get yourself together.