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Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building @ QEII Health Sciences Centre

5955 Veterans Memorial Ln, Halifax, NS B3H 2E1




    Google Reviews

    146 reviews
    • Joy Hoskin
      Joy Hoskin
      6 years ago

      The ER, 5th floor staff and 7.1 floor staff... Heart surgical floors - they work hard and are constantly caring for the patients. Family matters. The Savory Restaurant, Tim Hortons staff, and Shoppers Drug Mart... People care just when we need it. Thanks QEII and your amazing associates. Nice family rooms to rest in while tending to family patients. TV. Puzzles. Books. Fridge. Piano. Microwave. Comfy chairs.

    • A Teacher
      A Teacher
      6 years ago

      Extremely friendly and caring staff. Everyone, from the receptionist to the paramedics and doctors, was very helpful and highly professional! Yes, the waiting times can be long (especially on the weekend), but it is an emergency room ... Of course, more urgent cases need to be dealt with first! It would also be great if the working conditions for staff in health care were better - 12hour shifts are neither fair on the staff nor on the patients.

    • Jenkins
      5 years ago

      My father and I were here nearly a week. He has dementia and I stayed 24 hrs a day. The staff were excellent, John, Jonas, Connie, David & Dakin all wonderful and caring nurses. It really is amazing how they do their jobs with so much kindness, understanding and patience ❤️ I had one recurring issue while we were here , and it was the medication room door. We were across the hall from it. If not caught slams hard. During the day is acceptable but not late in the night. I got tired of mentioning it, because each night was a new crew. Boggles my mind that someone wouldn’t think to make this door quiet. The food was delivered on time and always hot. One thing that surprised me is the amount of carbs given to patients on the diabetic diet.

    • Santina Hart
      Santina Hart
      9 years ago

      I was rushed to the emergency room last week with an medical issue that led to me having emergency surgery. I realize people complain about wait times, but the doctor in emerge that day spent at least an hour trying to save my life before a surgeon took over. He was by my side while non life threatening people sat in the waiting room, and while I feel your pain in that, I'm also very grateful that the system works in the most urgent cases. I've also sat in an emergency room waiting for hours, before this week I also thought it annoying, but now I realize what goes on behind the scenes is far more important than I ever thought. Just to count off the top of my head, how many people it took to save my life that day, 2 surgeons, 1 ER doc, 3 nurses, and 6 strangers who donated the blood I received. I was given the absolute best treatment. From the time I entered the emergency room, to the day I left 4 days after, the level of care and competence was absolutely outstanding. I cannot say enough good things about the nurses during my time there. In the IMCU, Helen if you read this, you are an angel. For as many issues as we may see in our medial system, when it counts, we have the best care in the world, in my humble opinion.

    • Kaela Christiansen
      Kaela Christiansen
      5 years ago

      I have visited this hospital several times in the last couple months with multiple people for a variety of issues and I am absolutely horrified by the service. Below are the details of my most recent experience; As an individual familiar with mental health issues, if you're in need of assistance you're better off not calling 911. The staff and the hospital are under qualified, inexperienced and display disgrace towards the mental health community. To place an individual in an "interview room" with not a word from a staff member for over four hours is a disgrace to humanity. Then finally after a five minute conversation with a doctor you're told they're under-qualified and you must now wait for a senior doctor. Two hours later the "more qualified" doctor arrives to determine the course of treatment. All while injured and ill patients lay sleeping in the hallways and chairs all waiting for the doctor who is "extremely busy". I received better health care in Africa.