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    Google Reviews

    27 reviews
    • Christi Nielson
      Christi Nielson
      8 months ago

      I would give this office 0 stars if possible. My daughter has been dealing with severe pain for years. We finally got the blood work she needed, and she had a positive AnA result, they referred her here in AUGUST. I called in September. They said the referral came incomplete. I called her primary care, they sent over the missing paperwork immediately. Still heard nothing. Called them back. No answer. I could not get a hold of one person. We looked around to other places. Called back this office in OCTOBER. They said they looking to see if she needed more lab work. Nothing. When I called them yet AGAIN, now it was NOVEMBER. They said the Dr would look at her file and we would receive a call that week for an appointment. It is now DECEMBER, and still nothing. Even if they called this instant, it’s a big No. Red flags all over the place.

    • J Collins
      J Collins
      a year ago

      I’d give negative stars if possible. I began seeing Dr. Darley when my family moved to UT IN 2021. I have Sjogren’s disease (was diagnosed and placed on Plaquenil before moving to UT). For nearly a year I had abnormal urine tests and Dr Darley continued saying “we’ll have to look further into that next time” but then he never did. Then I started spilling protein in my urine. I called his office several times throughout this time, leaving messages, asking if the protein was a problem and what is supposed to happen to deal with it. I rarely got calls back. I finally went to my primary care Dr with all of my tests results because Dr Darley was not taking care of me adequately. After an ultrasound, a CT and a few other tests, turns out I have multiple kidney stones - including a staghorn stone which requires surgery. These types of stones often form when urinary infections are left untreated. I firmly believe that Dr Darley showed incredible negligence with my healthcare and because of his negligence I have to have surgery next week to remove the large staghorn stone. To say I am upset is an understatement. Dr Darley should not be practicing medicine if he and his office staff cannot truly look out for the health of his patients

    • Krissi Wing
      Krissi Wing
      2 years ago

      The office staff did not schedule my appointment correctly. I waited 7.5 weeks to be told that they didn't have me on their schedule once I arrived. Worst yet, they told me that Dr. Darley wouldn't see me even though my cardiologist and neurologist referred me. I was given misinformation from the medical assistant (who they called a nurse). She claimed she called me back but never received a call from her. I did receive a call from the office manager, Tim, who was as helpful as he could be. My labs weren't normal. He stated in his noted this may be due to some medications that I am on. But how would he know since he wouldn't take the time to see a patient who was referred by two specialists. I would not trust my care in his hands. This may be a blessing in disguise. I went with my mother to her appointment. Dr. Darley was very dismissive, short, and had no recommendation for her symptoms. I have worked in the medical field for over 30 years and wouldn't ever treat a patient the way me and my mother were treated. Sadly, I do not recommend Dr. Darley.

    • April Larsen
      April Larsen
      6 months ago

      3 year update: Dr. Darley is still my Rheumatologist and I hope he will be for many, many years to come. 👍 10 month update: Dr. Darley is still my favorite Rheumatologist. He considers thoughfully anything I bring up and he doesn't have phony-sincere or condescending bedside manner like a lot of Rheumatologists do. He's smart and authentic, and listens to my input about my treatment. The staff is always pleasant to work with. Thanks, Dr. Darley! ---Previous review: I know it's so hard to find a specialist you like, especially one accepting new patients; in-network; and someone you feel like it's actually a valid 2-way conversation. I am very critical of doctors. Seeing the Google ratings, I nearly canceled my first appt here. I'm SO glad I followed through to at least meet the doctor. I have found my Rheumatologist! Setting the appointment was easy; the admin are awesome; the nurse I met is awesome; the doctor is awesome. What a huge relief! If you're shopping around, trying to find someone, I say, don't let the Google stuff deter you before you give it a chance.

    • Jourdan Sheldon
      Jourdan Sheldon
      a year ago

      I’ve been going to Dr. Darley since 2019 after not being able to get in to a Rheumatologist for over decade. He believed everything I was describing which was such a relief given that I’d been told it was in my head for so long. He ordered blood work and X-rays which led to a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have had my fair share of ups and downs with medication, but never once have I felt dismissed or that my concerns were invalid. He is always more than willing to help figure out a new treatment plan and explore options. Even when my bloodwork comes back excellent but I feel awful, he says, “I find that’s usually how it goes with patients! Bloodwork is just a quick snapshot in time. What’s going on?” That’s HUGE! I’m so grateful to have him overseeing my care and would absolutely recommend him. People that are complaining about the appointment starting late need to remember that he has either had a patient that required more time (I will never fault a doctor for that) or a patient was late and it messed up the scheduling flow. His staff deserves a mention too because they are all fantastic!