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    Google Reviews

    80 reviews
    • Mariah Marquez
      Mariah Marquez
      2 months ago

      i usually don’t leave reviews but i feel like i need to now. this has been an on going thing for about 2 years. this clinic will consistently make appointments then CANCEL on you DAYS before. this has happened with acupuncture, PCP, chiropractic care, etc. they will then “attempt” to reach out to you to reschedule. then they will send you a letter in the mail stating if you don’t contact their office within 14 days your consult will no longer be valid. keep in mind, it took the letter 7 days to get to me when i live in Lubbock. the only time i got a call from the VA was to notify me they have once again canceled my appointment. if you have private insurance it’s best to just go to someone who is in network with them. this clinic is honestly a joke. this has happened multiple times and if you miss an appointment they will kick you off of their services and you have to repeat the process all over again! i would give 0 stars if possible.

    • Sandra Kear
      Sandra Kear
      4 months ago

      Another Disappointing Experience with this VA clinic. Medication Refill ProcessReview: My recent experience with the VA medication refill process has been extremely frustrating and concerning. After realizing I had run out of my mental health medication, I took responsibility and contacted the pharmacy, only to find out I had zero refills left.Despite reaching out to the mental health department and being promised a call back, I never received one after calling three times over the span of five days. This lack of follow-up and accountability from the VA staff is unacceptable.As a result, I have been forced to abruptly stop my medication, which has been incredibly difficult and has left me feeling unwell. Now, I am left waiting for my medication to be mailed to me, unsure if I should even continue taking it due to the poor experience I have had.Overall, I am deeply disappointed by the lack of communication and accountability within the VA system. It is concerning that such essential healthcare services are not being provided effectively. I sincerely hope improvements are made to prevent other veterans from experiencing similar difficulties in the future.Rating: ⭐☆☆☆☆ (1 out of 5 stars) The VA healthcare system's inadequacies have unfortunately become glaringly evident in my recent experiences. Despite seeking help for a wrist injury, I've been shuffled around with no real concern or effective treatment. From being sent to urgent care for a basic assessment to my primary care provider's dismissive attitude, the lack of attention to my medical needs has been disheartening. After waiting weeks for an orthopedic appointment, I was met with further disappointment when the physical therapist couldn't even provide a suitable brace or proper diagnosis. Instead of addressing my concerns, I'm bombarded with irrelevant inquiries about physical therapy, adding to my frustration and confusion. Moreover, during a follow-up regarding a potential health issue detected in a lung x-ray, the focus shifted abruptly to my weight, completely overshadowing the urgent matter at hand—a possible mass in my breast. The insensitivity displayed towards my health priorities is deeply troubling and speaks volumes about the misplaced priorities within the system. Additionally, my concerns about hearing loss were brushed aside during a rushed appointment, where I was simply told I was having a "bad hearing day," leaving me feeling disregarded and unheard. In summary, the lack of compassion, efficiency, and prioritization of patient needs within the VA healthcare system is disheartening and unacceptable. As a veteran, I deserve better, and I urge immediate action to address these systemic failures before more individuals suffer needlessly.

    • Melisa Lowrance
      Melisa Lowrance
      2 months ago

      UPDATE!! 6/3:2034 I used to love this VA. However, since my primary care physician retired and I was assigned a new one, it’s been absolutely horrible!!! My new primary care is very difficult to get into. She’s also rude and not helpful. It’s been a huge disappointment this last year. It’s also very difficult to get into dental or any specialty care now. I have chronic pain and trying to get it taken care of has been a nightmare! I really miss my original primary care physician. She was the best! I love the new facility. I have never had any issues with my care here. Every person or doctor I have interacted with has been kind and helpful. Sometimes appointments take longer to get into than I would like, but it hasn’t been a massive or consistent issue. Overall, I have received great care. I’m thankful for the resources and support they provided me with.

    • Jg G
      Jg G
      5 months ago

      Foxtrot team has to be the worse. Can't even do a nurse visit. Sat in lobby for 1 hour after check in and NO ONE came to get me. I asked at check in window and was told they are coming now. Another 15 min goes by and nothing. Then charted that I cancelled. Why don't they annotate...never went to get the patient.

    • Anthony Koert
      Anthony Koert
      5 months ago

      An absolute disgrace of an organization that ignores the needs of the veteran community for the sake of convenience. I highly suggest you come here as a last or only resort for your medical needs. Inadequate is an understatement, as they would rather avoid care altogether. You may be in pain and have cancer, but they will give you the runaround, delaying or destroying your treatment. Their "care" is a death sentence.