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    Google Reviews

    11 reviews
    • Drew Jimmy
      Drew Jimmy
      6 months ago

      Had severe pain I couldn’t walk. Dr. Johnson figured out what was going and surgery with in a couple hours. Was really polite and considerate. From my other experiences at different hospitals. They would have made wait half the day or sent me home.

    • Stephanie morningchild

      I wouldn't recommend this hospital, nurses are rube. I went in to this hospital in bad pain ( internal bleeding also damaged diaphragm ) the nurse told me to stop being dramatic and forcefully pushed me down on the bed (i was siting up becauseit was hard to breathe). Thank god the lady from the xrays room came in told them, "something is wrong that they can't see". I got air lifted to other hospital, which I found out the condition I was in.

    • Tiffany Olsen
      Tiffany Olsen
      3 years ago

      Dropped off my husband for surgery this morning. Drove 2 hrs to get to the hospital. The lady manning the door was extremely rude. I don't understand why they have the bathrooms closed to the public, but I was polite I asked where I could go to use the bathroom. The lady was snide, pointed to the sign and said not here. I said, I understand that. I am not from here, I have never been here before, I just wanted to know where there is a bathroom someone will let me use. She said there is a mcdonald's where you came in.. In such a rude way ... You know.. People are coming to the hospital they are stressed, maybe don't know the area. Would a little kindness or heck even some politeness be so hard?

    • Denise Lamoureux
      Denise Lamoureux
      6 years ago

      Im writing about my fathers care. Hes a cancer patient who needs alot of care. He needs 2 people to get him out of bed to take him to the bathroom etc. My mother is a retired nurse so stays with him during the day. The doctors are great. Some of the nurses are very professional.. but unfortunately not all of the nurses are very attentive. A while back they ignored my fathers bell and he fell and hit his head on the floor. Now.. in his current stay .. he is needing more help and they take longer and longer to help him. At times because they are on their cell phones. If they were quicker they wouldnt have a mess to clean up but they take so long he has either wet or soiled himself by the time they get there. I work in a hospital where i live and this would not be tolerated. You are in the patient care profession. The patient should come first. Its different if you are busy. We get that. They sometimes forget that some day it could be them or a family member in this position. Would they want themselves or a family member to be the one with a head injury or soiled clothing and having to spend time in it until someone finally answers the call bell. I am frustrated as i am far away and cant help my mother. I just hope that someone there reads this and possibly reignites the fire of passion for being caregivers so that no one else has to go through this type of issue. My father was always a hardworking man who treated people with dignity and respect... i dont think its too much to ask that on his final days on this earth that he be treated with dignity and respect as well. I mean it just common sense.

    • Merv Rae
      Merv Rae
      5 years ago

      I would like to thank Dr. BEKKER and the emergency nurse ( sorry I didn't get your name ) for looking after the chainsaw cut on my knee and making sure it didn't get infection. June 25 at 11:00 at night. Your professionalism was greatly appreciated.