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Pennsylvania’s #1 online therapy & counseling centers. Click here for help with relationships and all other mental health needs.




    Google Reviews

    47 reviews
    • Paula F
      Paula F
      11 months ago

      Gabby is awesome! She believes in you. She helps you find the wonderful powers that you have and shows you how to skillfully use them. You can put your trust in Gabby. She will help find the way.

    • Thomas Kilpatrick
      Thomas Kilpatrick
      11 months ago

      Erin is a great therapist- always attentive, supportive, encouraging and forthcoming. Makin Wellness has an elite asset on their team.

    • Gennaro DiLembo III

      Tried to book appointment over the phone and was met with alot of sighs and dead air and what sounded like a shrieking child in the background. Had to hurdle over a questionnaire that sounded like a credit card application before being asked for my debit card now so they can have it on file for NEXT WEEKs appointment. Called another place and had an appointment booked in 5 min.

    • Kiki A
      Kiki A
      10 months ago

      Wonderful service! Quick, kind and efficient!

    • Tyler Oliver
      Tyler Oliver
      10 months ago

      They did a good job