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Columbus Park is the leading outpatient eating disorder treatment center in New York City, offering an Intensive Outpatient Program as well as individual therapy, group therapy and meal support.




    Google Reviews

    9 reviews
    • Honora Domines
      Honora Domines
      5 months ago

      Melissa’s dedication, immeasurable compassion and thoughtful approach to her patients and her practice is unparalleled. She is intuitive, perceptive and delivers a gentle kindness.

    • Nicole Naggar
      Nicole Naggar
      2 years ago

      Columbus Park is one of my go to referrals as an expert psychiatrist in the NYC area for the treatment of eating and related feeding disorders. The clinicians are all outstanding. CP is exemplary in their compassionate and individualized approach to patient needs. I am so appreciative of their commitment to an integrated, multidisciplinary approach and their reliable collaboration with providers.

    • Jill Ettinger
      Jill Ettinger
      2 years ago

      The Founder of Columbus Park, Melissa Gerson, is a true expert in this field. She's incredibly committed to this practice and to helping people fully recover from their eating disorders. She's also one of the most compassionate people that I know. Don't hesitate to call her/her staff to learn more.

    • Amanda Fialk she-her

      Columbus Park offers compassionate, affirming, evidence based treatment to individuals diagnosed with eating disorders. Their team is fantastic and wonderful to collaborate with on highly complex cases.

    • C N
      C N
      a year ago

      Google review columbus park eating disorder program I couldn’t be more grateful for the support I received and am receiving from Columbus park eating disorder outpatient program. Elizabeth Byrnes, my therapist there is absolutely outstanding. To give a little background I am an adult woman, who has struggled with severe anorexia for the last 15 years, half my life now. I ran gamut of in and out of inpatient facilities for over the last ten years, only to weight restore partially in what felt like a fake world. These huge facilities seem to have so many repeat clients as if that is how the broken system works. I was called a chronic anorexic who was treatment resistant and the pain and fear of losing my life was something I was so close to a year ago. Fortunately I was life flighted to Denver Acute which medically stabilized me and helped me tremendously but then what, was the question? The cycle of inpatient and residential programs just wasn’t working for me. I needed to learn how to survive and take care of myself outside of these inpatient facilities. Columbus park and Liz Byrnes specifically, is giving me the tools to not only survive and take care of myself, and beat my eating disorder, but to thrive with the belief I never thought I could imagine, a life free from an eating disorder. I am still doing work the hard work but Liz has helped me to apply DBT in a way I’ve never been taught or could absorb. I weigh more now than I ever weighed and am healthier physically and mentally than I have ever been in my life. I truly believe that without Liz and Columbus park eating disorder program I would not be here today. I no longer believe anorexia will be a life long battle. I’m grateful for the amazing therapy and treatment I am receiving at Columbus park. Outpatient programs are where people can truly heal, in this world; not the residential treatment facility world in my opinion. Liz is teaching me how to save my own life, how to empower myself and ultimately heal with her help of course but with the strength and belief she has in me to help myself. If you have been struggling for a long time and are motivated to do the hard work I highly recommend Columbus park outpatient treatment program.