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    Google Reviews

    10 reviews
    • Michael Acquaviva
      Michael Acquaviva
      9 months ago

      Amazing program with a lot of really amazing staff members who are extremely caring and understanding I took advantage of the anger management classes as well as parenting classes my favorite and most helpful education course they provided when I was a resident that I use in my daily life was the communication a d boundaries class, it helps me build stronger healthier relationships and put and end to any toxic one that would potentially be hazardous to my recovery, I showed up there with nothing. Within 8 months of successfully completing the program without deviating I was able to clear up my out standing court cases, got my license back! a steady job! A vehicle! My teeth fixed! They took my to my dental appointments. I now have a beautiful smile and my confidence back as well as my self respect and able to get past my barriers and start accomplishing my goals, and building my relationships I ruined and repairing the bridges I burned.

    • Wombatguts Nobody (J)

      I loved this inpatient program. Great staff, great people and community. I learned so much and was given all the tools to maintain the best version of myself. But that director lady, holly toledo! She Makes Cruella Deville look like an angel! So bitter and angry. I would expect someone in her position to be way more welcoming, understand, and non judgmental.. For all you people who are looking to get into an inpatient program, if you call PH and she answers, hang up!! Yikes… Thank you and See you next Tuesday

    • James Vermilyea
      James Vermilyea
      4 years ago

      I’ve witnessed the wonderful care for men, young and old, who are detoxing from alcohol. Comfortable, safe, quiet, and clean, well staffed with trained attendants and counselors 24 hours, 7 days a week, and the meals are delicious. Progress House helped someone very dear to me get on the path to Recovery. Next stop for him is Progress House Men’s Residential Program in Coloma, CA, right on the American River.

    • Craig Clark
      Craig Clark
      a year ago

      All the staff at progress house are very well trained and good at what they do and very caring I will forever be grateful and supportive of this program it changed my life.

    • Kendra Caito
      Kendra Caito
      7 years ago

      This place, this program, and the woman their both clients and especially counselors changed my life and I am forever grateful!!