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Health Cellutions a health and performance studio with a focus on the root cause of pain, instead of managing your symptoms. Call Today!




    Google Reviews

    43 reviews
    • angie wright
      angie wright
      2 months ago

      I have been a patient for 1 year. When I arrived a year ago, I had a broken tail bone, that of which 4 other doctors told me would never heal. It is now healed thanks to Health Cellutions. I also have neuropathy which has been diminishing. The Team there is excellent. I can honestly say I am free of pain after over 30 years of chronic pain. I highly recommend to all who are suffering in anyway to check out all that they can do for you! Angie Wright

    • Chris Brown
      Chris Brown
      4 months ago

      Found this place on accident when we passed it on our way to dinner the night before. Curiosity got the best me, so I went to go investigate more the day after. What I found is a group of individuals who geek out on rebuilding and repairing mitochondria, physical injuries, mental impairments more than I do, and that's saying a lot! In addition to mitochondria remedies, we were amazed and impressed on how many different methods to treat various ailments in one small place. Its a game changer! What's been my ongoing 6+ year journey to heal myself from my accident in the Everest region, probably could have been accomplished in a few months had I found Health Cellutions before now.

    • Connie Malkin
      Connie Malkin
      7 months ago

      I am so thankful my son and daughter-in-law connected us with Health Cellutions! I am experiencing results after just ONE visit. (I have experienced facial drooping on one side similar to bels palsy and the right side of my mouth is now turning up in a small smile rather than a frown.) I am looking forward to going back for more and seeing the muscle tone on the right side of my face restored. The place is clean, the people are friendly and accommodating. Thanking God for directing us here!

    • Joe Lankau
      Joe Lankau
      a month ago

      Very knowledgeable. And is able to translate it to a great workout routine every session Great Trainer!!!

    • Dan Smith
      Dan Smith
      a year ago

      Not your Uncle's sweaty gym! I'm not a gym rat, but I love to get a great workout swimming, stretching and doing calisthenics. Health Cellutions gave me a great hi-tech, low impact workout and after that a PEMF (Pulse) recovery. My trainer, Dakota, was professional, personable and knew his stuff. Great Experience - I highly recommend it!