Recovery Keys of St. Augustine & Jacksonville offers addiction treatment for individuals suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs and pain medications.
Recovery Keys of St. Augustine & Jacksonville offers addiction treatment for individuals suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs and pain medications.
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Christopher Lemke (Chris)
8 years agoI came to Recovery Keys via a referral from the lead detox physician at the University of Florida. At that point, I was unable to even drive. My main addiction was alcohol. The program I entered into takes a three hundred sixty degree approach to the treatment alcohol and drug addiction. They use a complete approach, under the direction of physicians and addictionologists. Early on, I was not the easiest, most cooperative patient. As time went on, and with a great amount of patience and encouragement, I made substantial progress in controlling my addiction and actually understanding the root causes in order to carve out a new life. Around me I saw amazing progress among the other patients. The amount of knowledge, patience and caring at this facility is incredible. I am getting my life back and cannot express my gratitude enough to do justice to the program and all of those involved. Thank you.
Dan Hall
5 years agoI've been sober for 6 years. While I credit meeting attendance for long term sobriety, I credit Recovery Keys for giving me what I needed in early sobriety. The professional staff and the experienced doctors who specialize in addiction was key.
Frankie Dore
6 years agoThis place may help some but its very bias toward anyone who suggests their program/way is not for everyone and individuals have diff needs. They didn't bother to find out why their 12 week taper isn't always gonna be for everyone. Bet the rate of relapses for their program is higher than most.
Cynthia Saylor
6 years agoThis doctor is no humanitarian. $22,000 without insurance and $300 for the first visit. You're better off going to the methadone clinic or the streets.
Michelle Craun
7 years agoVery intense outpatient program