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Portail du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec




    Google Reviews

    43 reviews
    • Claude Cayottec
      Claude Cayottec
      a year ago

      Great place to go.!

    • Gazoo
      a month ago

      The person who makes the appointments, very impatient and intolerant....I give him a ZERO And I told her that if she is not able to manage herself she should stay at home.......

    • Sonia Gauthier
      Sonia Gauthier
      3 months ago

      Opening time is 6:30 and not 6:00 so modify your website to reflect reality and avoid unnecessarily long queues before opening time.

    • Marie Claire
      Marie Claire
      3 months ago

      When you've been calling twice and waiting for a long time and they hang up on you without having spoken to you, not very good St Joseph!

    • France Lavoie
      France Lavoie
      7 months ago

      Good morning, I went there this morning and asked two pieces of information from the security guard, he is very stupid and not friendly. He should change jobs if he doesn't like it, plus he deals with sick people for the most part.