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    Google Reviews

    28 reviews
    • Jasmin Sotto
      Jasmin Sotto
      4 months ago

      I have a Xray appointment and got accommodated quickly upon arrival. I did not wait, they made the procedure asap. Staff were friendly and accommodating.

    • richard chan
      richard chan
      in the last week

      I am taken aback by the comments about our medical system and the Blusson Spinal Cord Center. There is a shortage of doctors and nurses all over the world. I don't have a regular doctor, so I go see the walk-in clinic doctors. I regularly go to the Granville St. Clinic, when I have to. When I was experiencing severe sciatica pain in my right leg, I started taking lots of Advil. I went to a private spinal decompression center first and did treatment. Paid out of my own pocket. It only resolved some of my pain, so I asked my doctor if he could get me an MRI, plus he prescribed gabapentin which is a safe pain killer. I had to wait but got in 4 months later. After getting the results, my doctor reviewed the results and said he couldn't help me but said he'll send me to the Blusson Spinal Center since they're the specialist. I waited another 2 months. A specialized physio tested me when I got there, plus they had my MRI record. The back specialist, Dr. Bishop told me I have a slight defect in my lowest vertebrae plus a herniated 5th disc. I was given orders to do about 7 different stretching and back strength exercises. No sitting for long periods of time and go for walks. He would get me into UBC hospital to get a steroid shot in my back. He was very honest and said it may not work. Some people's backs are to the point that only surgery is the solution. I waited another 6 months. I went to the UBC hospital and received a shot in my spine. It was quite painful at first but briefly. After getting the injection, I was to go see Dr. Bishop for a follow-up after my shot. He tested me again and said I have good improvement in my mobility but not enough for his liking because I said I wanted to start playing golf. I was told not to play golf for a month but to keep up some stretches and walking, then I'm to go back to see him. I saw him one more time, and I don't feel any sciatica anymore, and I don't need to take the gabapentin. All this medical care, and I only have to pay for the medication and show some patience. I totally respect the people in our medical system. Thank you to Granville St. Clinic and Blusson Spinal Center and UBC Hospital. Update. It's been a year since I got the treatment from the Spinal Center and UBC. I have absolutely no pain, and I don't have to spend money to go to a chiropractor or physiotherapy. I totally would recommend anyone with back problems to be sent to the Blusson Spinal Center. It's a more permanent solution than a temporary one for back pain.

    • Holly Monday Janus
      Holly Monday Janus
      2 months ago

      Lovely, helpful staff and my doctor was fantastic (I was recovering from a neck fracture).

    • Cameron Lawton
      Cameron Lawton
      a year ago

      Caution, Maybe they are too busy but they made mistakes that effected my life and treatment. They provided wrong information in the form of a different patient with a similar name. Wrong medical information and took away my chance for healing before it became a permanent issue. It was lazy and sloppy that they broke the law and provided me a different Cameron Lawtons information and records let alone have his information to the hospital so I was never added to the list for the zeros shots. When brought to their attention it was not taken seriously and they laughed and joked about the situation. Well our privacy and health is no joke so grow up and do your jobs and help people not hurt them like you did me!

    • John Brause
      John Brause
      5 years ago

      I had to travel from Prince George BC, and they made my experience as easy as possible. From all the staff and x-ray and MRI people to all the front counter people delt with my wife and I very professionally. The greatest thing is that my spine surgery was discussed around a round table as my surgeon stated and I got multiple doctors making the decision for me not just one. The recovery for a week was great the doctors, nurses and pain specialist were fantastic. I've read some of the comments and I was quite taken back, as everyone needs to understand this is an incredible large scale surgery, and you are going to feel pain and be disabled for sometime, this is the best place to ever be if you need them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to you all.