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112 reviews
  • Warren Bird
    Warren Bird
    3 months ago

    My mother in law had a horrible experience here. She decided (over her back surgeon’s rehab facility recommendation) to be transported to Garnet Hill due a friend’s recommendation who had worked there in the past. My MIL was transported from hospital to GH after successful back surgery for rehab. She arrived on a Friday afternoon and basically received little attention until we could transfer her out the following Monday. The staff were inattentive, did not follow her care orders, did not provide prescribed meds, did not provide wound (from surgery) care, did not provide a gait belt to help her get up, and several times did not respond to call button when she needed to visit bathroom. She basically laid in bed for 3 days. My wife and her sister provided this care instead. The excuses from staff is the scary part. It ranged from “we don’t have her orders” to “orders say she has her own meds” to walking out on requests for assistance. When asked where the hospital orders were, they couldn’t be found by some and weren’t read by others. There were a couple staff who did show concern and care when these issues were brought up, but the majority of staff were useless. The patient next door told my wife to get her mom out as the staff were terrible. Our daughter sat with her grandmother for most of a day and was shocked at how terrible the care provided had been. On Sunday, a manager finally responded to my wife’s care complaints and some improvement occurred, but the excuses provided were unacceptable. It was obvious staffing levels were short and each one had a different excuse for the lack of care - but the main thing was to blame others. My MIL called my wife daily pleading to get her out of Garnet Hill saying the staff hated her. She was never assessed for rehab or (obviously) received any rehab. We did check MIL out of Garnet Hill on Monday and she was transported to the rehab facility the back surgeon recommended. The care so far has been sooooo much better!

  • Kris Cutts
    Kris Cutts
    5 months ago

    On  behalf of the family of Kent Kaiser, Thank you all for the excellent care you gave Kent during his stay as well as as support you gave to us, his family. Your compassionate response to our family as we struggled through this difficult time will be remembered.  We thank each team member for their part from housekeeping to administration. A special shout out to Moses, Aster (Ester), Lydia, Pat (with hospice) also to Jennifer, Jessica and Jan May God bless you all Sincerely, Kristine Cutts (Kent’s daughter) and Gail Kaiser (Kent’s sister)

  • Joseph Vasquez
    Joseph Vasquez
    a month ago

    The people had my wife come in for an interview on 08/05/24 for the cleaning position, she made the interview early and waited an hour before they told her the position was filled, this was not only disrespectful, its unprofessional as they wasted her time and effort and simply shrugged it off like it was no big deal, if they were willing to do this during the hiring process, I can't imagine what the other services are like in there.

  • Matthew Benedict
    Matthew Benedict
    2 years ago

    I started volunteering here beginning August 10, 2018 to play piano on Friday afternoons. This is a great place to be and everyone is nice, patient, and understanding. Although I played virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions for over a year, I appreciate that consideration for residents' health, still present in the mandatory temperature checking before entry is allowed.

  • Franchot Pratt
    Franchot Pratt
    3 months ago

    The faciity is very well taken care of , met with the admin while touring - he made my wife and I feel comfortable with placing our lives one here .